


各申請内容へ移動 GO to each contents 


Certification of Eligibility

Extension of Period of Stay

Change Status of Residence

Re-entry Permit

Permission to Engage in an Activity other than that Permitted 
by the  Status of Residence Previously Granted

Permission to Acquire Status of Residence



1. 申請書を印刷して使うときは片面印刷にしてください。



1.When you submit them to an immigration office or International Affairs Division, you have to use one sided printing style.

2.Please check off "contract the print size to adapt the paper" before print out to avoid obtaining incorrect size one - it is unsuitable to apply in wrong size.

3.International Affairs Division accept: (For applicant and dependant, enter at the same time) Certification of Eligibility (For applicant only) Extension of Period of Stay, Re-entry Permit, and Application for Permission to Engage in an Activity other than that Permitted by the Status of Residence Previously Granted only. 




Certification of Eligibility

教授 For Professor




Necessary Documents
to Prepare


Please submit Japanese translation for documents written in foreign languages.      






   Application for Certificate of Eligibility

 ※Please use one sided printing style.
 ※Be sure not to alter size or format of the form.   
ださい。※If an applicant is a Chinese national or a Korean national, please write the applicant's name both in Roman alphabet and Kanji on the application form.


 2 Photos (4㎝×3㎝)


   One is to attach ①, the other is an extra


 A self-addressed envelope put on a 392 yen stamp(120mm×235mm)



 Documents issued by universities or other institutions certifying the activity, its duration, position and the remuneration of applicants



 A copy of passport


 If the agent from international affairs submit the application




文化活動 For Cultural Activity

Necessary Documents
to Prepare


Please submit Japanese translation for documents written in foreign languages.      



   Application for Certificate of Eligibility

 ※Please use one sided printing style. 

 ※Be sure not to alter size or format of the form.   
ださい。※If an applicant is a Chinese national or a Korean national, please write the applicant's name both in Roman alphabet and Kanji on the application form.



 2 Photos(4㎝×3㎝)


   One is to attach ①,  the other is an extra



 A self-addressed envelope put on a 392 yen stamp(120mm×235mm)




Documents certifying the activity and its duration of the applicants, and the outline of the organization where he or she intends to engage in the activity concerned



Documents certifying the activity and its duration of the applicants, issued by the applicants or the organization where he or she intends to engage in the activity concerned



The outline of the organization where the applicants intends to engage in the activity concerned (e.g. pamphlets)



⑤学術上又は芸術上の業績を明らかにする資料。次のいずれかでよい。 Documents certifying the academic career, professional career and other career regarding the activity of the applicants, each one will do



A letter of recommendation from related group



Report concerning past activity



Results of winning a prize and selecting



List of theses and works



Documents apply to above-mentioned(1)~(4)




Documents certifying that the applicants can defray all the expenses incurred during the stay in Japan



If the applicants can defray all the expenses incurred during the stay in Japan, whichever will do.

ⅰ. 給付金額及び給付期間を明示した奨学金給付に関する証明書

   Documents certifying the ability of residents in Japan to support themselves financially


ⅱ. 申請人本人名義の銀行等における預金残高証明書

   Proof of  applicants' deposit balance


ⅲ. 上記ⅰ~ⅱに準ずる文書

Documents apply to above-mentionedⅰorⅱ





Documents certifying that the other person can defray all the expenses incurred during the stay in Japan

  ⅰ. 住民税の課税(又は非課税)証明書及び納税証明書(1年間の総所得及び納税状況が記載されたもの)

Certificates for a residence tax (or nontaxable) and tax payment (mentioned to yearly income and tax paid condition)


  ⅱ. 経費支弁者が外国にいる場合は,経費支弁者名義の銀行等における預金残高証明書

Certificate of defrayer's deposit balance, if the person who defray expenses living in the other countries


   ⅲ. 上記ⅰ~ⅱに準ずる文書

Documents apply to above-mentionedⅰorⅱ




   Documents identifying the person (ID card, etc.)



 If the proxy or agent, legal representative submit the application


 A copy of passport



 If the agent from international affairs submit the application.


※If an applicant's passport has not been issued, please submit the document identify the person such as a photocopy of the applicant's ID card, family register or notary document. 




家族滞在 For Dependant

Necessary Documents
to Prepare


Please submit Japanese translation for documents written in foreign languages. 




   Application for Certificate of Eligibility

 ※Please use one sided printing style.

 ※Be sure not to alter size or format of the form.   
 ※韓国籍及び中国籍の人は、申請書の氏名欄にローマ字及び漢字で氏名を併記してください。※If an applicant is a Chinese national or a Korean national,  please write the applicant's name both in Roman alphabet and Kanji on the application form.



  2 Photos(4㎝×3㎝)


   One is to attach ①, the other is an extra



 A self-addressed envelope put on a 392 yen stamp(120mm×235mm)




Documents proving the family member' s relationship to the supporter, each one will do


(1)戸籍謄本       Family Register



Registration of a marriage acceptance certificate


(3)結婚証明書(コピー)    Marriage Certificate(copy)


(4)出生証明書など(コピー)  Birth Certificate(copy)



Documents apply to above-mentioned(1)~(4)



A copy of Residence Card (or alien registration certificate deemed equivalent to a Residence Card) of applicant's guardian/supporter and a copy of passport of applicant's guardian/supporter




Documents certifying the profession and the income of the person who is to support the person concerned


If applicant's guardian/supporter is administrator with income, or being engaged in activities for pay


Certificate of Employment or certificate of tax payment



 Certificates for a residence tax (or nontaxable) and tax payment (mentioned to yearly income and tax paid condition)  




If applicant's guardian/supporter are doing other activities except for (1)


Certificate for applicant's guardian/supporter deposit balance or proof of scholarship with amount and duration clearly stated



Proof of defraying applicant's living expense

 (apply to above-mentionedⅰ)




   Documents identifying the person (ID card, etc.)



 If the proxy or agent, legal representative submit the application



 A copy of passport



 If the agent from international affairs submit the application.

※If an applicant's passport has not been issued, please submit the document identify the person such as a photocopy of the applicant's ID card, family register or notary document.



申請選択へ Go to Top


Extension of Period of Stay

教授 For Professor

JSPS Postdoctral Fellowship requires different documents. →For JSPS Postdoctoral Fellowship



Necessary Documents
to Prepare


Please submit Japanese translation for documents written in foreign languages.     



 Application for Extension of Period of Stay 



 Please use one sided printing style.




 Passport and residence card(or alien registration certificate deemed equivalent to a residence card)



Certificates for a residence tax (or nontaxable) and tax payment (mentioned to yearly income and tax paid condition) 


 Certificate for Payment of Fee (Please buy a 4,000 yen revenue stamp at the post office.)




Documents identifying the person (Certificate for agent, Family Resister etc.)



If the proxy submit the application


Passport endorsement


 When an extension of period of stay has been granted, the new period of stay will be determined and a stamp will be affixed on the passport of the applicant.




文化活動  For Cultural Activity


Necessary Documents
to Prepare


提出資料が外国語で作成されている場合には,訳文(日本語)を添付して 下さい。  

Please submit Japanese translation for documents written in foreign languages.



   Application for Extension of Period of Stay



 Please use one sided printing style.


  Passport and residence card (or alien registration certificate deemed equivalent to a residence card)




Documents certifying the activity and its duration of the applicants, and the outline of the organization where he or she intends to engage in the activity concerned



Documents certifying the activity and its duration of the applicants, issued by the applicants or the organization where he or she intends to engage in the activity concerned



The outline of the organization where the applicants intends to engage in the activity concerned (e.g. pamphlets)




Documents certifying that the person concerned can defray all the expenses incurred during the stay in Japan



If the applicants can defray all the expenses incurred during the stay in Japan, whichever will do.

ⅰ. 給付金額及び給付期間を明示した奨学金給付に関する証明書

   Documents certifying the ability of residents in Japan to support themselves financially


ⅱ. 申請人本人名義の銀行等における預金残高証明書

   Proof of applicants' deposit balance


ⅲ. 上記ⅰ~ⅱに準ずる文書

Documents apply to above-mentionedⅰorⅱ




Documents certifying that the other person can defray all the expenses incurred during the stay in Japan

ⅰ. 住民税の課税(又は非課税)証明書及び納税証明書(1年間の総所得及び納税状況が記載されたもの)

Certificates for a residence tax (or nontaxable) and tax payment (mentioned to yearly income and tax paid condition)


   ⅱ. 経費支弁者が外国にいる場合は,経費支弁者名義の銀行等における預金残高証明書

  Certificate of defrayer’s deposit balance, if the person who defray expenses living in the other countries


ⅲ. 上記ⅰ~ⅱに準ずる文書

Documents apply to above-mentionedⅰorⅱ.



Certificate for Payment of Fee (Please buy a 4,000 yen revenue stamp at the post office.)




Documents identifying the person (Certificate for agent, Family Resister etc.)



 If the proxy submit the application


Passport endorsement


 When an extension of period of stay has been granted, the new period of stay will be determined and a stamp will be affixed on the passport of the applicant.




家族滞在 For Dependant


Necessary  Documents
to Prepare

提出資料が外国語で作成されている場合には,訳文(日本語)を添付して 下さい。  

Please submit Japanese translation for documents written in foreign languages. 




   Application for Extension of Period of Stay 


Please use one sided printing style.



  Passport and residence card (or alien registration certificate deemed equivalent to a residence card)




Documents proving the family member' s relationship to the supporter, each one will do


(1)戸籍謄本    Family Register



Registration of a marriage acceptance certificate


(3)結婚証明書(コピー)    Marriage Certificate(copy)


(4)出生証明書など(コピー)  Birth Certificate(copy)



Documents apply to above-mentioned(1)~(4)



A copy of residence card (or alien registration certificate deemed equivalent to a residence card) or Passport of applicant's guardian/supporter




Documents certifying the profession and the income of the person who is to support the person concerned

If applicant's guardian/supporter is administrator with income, or being engaged in activities for pay.


Certificate of Employment or certificate of tax payment

ⅱ.住民税の課税(又は非課税)証明書及び納税証明書(一年間の総所得及び納税状況が記載されたもの)                                           Certificates for a residence tax (or nontaxable) and tax payment (mentioned to yearly income and tax paid condition)



If applicant's guardian/supporter are doing other activities except for abovementioned (1)

ⅰ.扶養者名義の預金残高証明書又は給付金額及び給付期間を明示した奨学金給付に関する証明                                                          Certificate for applicant's guardian/supporter deposit balance or proof of scholarship with amount and duration clearly stated



Proof of defraying applicant's living expense 

(apply to above-mentionedⅰ)



 Certificate for Payment of Fee (Please buy a 4,000 yen
revenue stamp at the post office)




 If the proxy submit the application



Documents identifying the person (Certificate for agent, Family Resister etc.)


Passport endorsement


 When an extension of period of stay has been granted, the new period of stay will be determined and a stamp will be affixed on the passport of the applicant. 


申請選択へ Go to Top

Change Status of Residence


教授へ To Professor


Necessary Documents
to Prepare

提出資料が外国語で作成されている場合には,訳文(日本語)を添付して 下さい。

Please submit Japanese translation for documents written in foreign languages. 



 Application for Change Status of Residence



Please use one sided printing style.



  Passport and residence card (or alien registration certificate deemed equivalent to a residence card)



 Documents issued by universities or other institutions certifying the activity, its duration, position and the remuneration of the person concerned



手数料納付書(郵便局で4,000円の収入印紙を買 ってください。)
 Certificate for Payment of Fee (Please buy a  4,000 yen revenue stamp at the post office)




If the proxy submit the application



Documents identifying the person (Certificate for agent, Family Resister etc.)


Passport endorsement


審査の結果,在留資格の変更が許可される場合は,新たな在留資格及び在 留期間が決定され,在留資格変更許可認印が押されます。許可が下りるのに, 申請してから1か月かかります。 
 When a change status of residence has been granted, the new status of residence and the new period of stay will be determined and a stamp will be affixed on the passport of the applicant. It will take about 1 month for the application to be granted.




文化活動へ To Cultural Activity


Necessary Documents
to Prepare

提出資料が外国語で作成されている場合には,訳文(日本語)を添付して 下さい。  

Please submit Japanese translation for documents written in foreign languages.



 Application for Change Status of Residence



Please use one sided printing style.



  Passport and residence card (or alien registration certificate deemed equivalent to a residence card)




Documents certifying the activity and its duration of the applicants, and the outline of the organization where he or she intends to engage in the activity concerned



Documents certifying the activity and its duration of the applicants, issued by the applicants or the organization where he or she intends to engage in the activity concerned



The outline of the organization where the applicants intends to engage in the activity concerned (e.g. pamphlets)



④学術上又は芸術上の業績を明らかにする資料。次のいずれかでよい。 Documents certifying the academic career, professional career and other career regarding the activity of the person concerned, each one will do



A letter of recommendation from related group


Report concerning past activity


Results of winning a prize and selecting


List of theses and works



Documents apply to above-mentioned (1)~(4)




Documents certifying that the person concerned can defray all the expenses incurred during the stay in Japan



If the applicants can defray all the expenses incurred during the stay in Japan, whichever will do

ⅰ. 給付金額及び給付期間を明示した奨学金給付に関する証明書

   Documents certifying the ability of residents in Japan to support themselves financially.


ⅱ. 申請人本人名義の銀行等における預金残高証明書

   Proof of your deposit balance


ⅲ. 上記ⅰ~ⅱに準ずる文書

Documents apply to above-mentionedⅰorⅱ




Documents certifying that the other person can defray all the expenses incurred during the stay in Japan

   ⅰ. 住民税の課税(又は非課税)証明書及び納税証明書(1年間の総所得及び納税状況が記載されたもの)

Certificates for a residence tax (or nontaxable) and tax payment (mentioned to yearly income and tax paid condition)


   ⅱ. 経費支弁者が外国にいる場合は,経費支弁者名義の銀行等における預金残高証明書

  Certificate of defrayer’s deposit balance, if the person who defray expenses living in the other countries


ⅲ. 上記ⅰ~ⅱに準ずる文書

Documents apply to above-mentionedⅰorⅱ



手数料納付書(郵便局で4,000円の収入印紙を買っ てください。)
 Certificate for Payment of Fee (Please buy a 4,000 yen revenue stamp at the post office.)



 If the proxy submit the application



Documents identifying the person (Certificate for agent, Family Resister etc.)

Passport endorsement


審査の結果,在留資格の変更が許可される場合は,新たな在留資格及び新たな在留 期間が決定され,在留資格変更許可認印が押されます。許可が下りるのに,申請して から約1か月かかります。
 When a change status of residence has been granted, the new status of residence and the new period of stay will be determined and a stamp will be affixed on the passport of the applicant. It will take about 1 month for the application to be granted.



家族滞在へ  To Dependant


Necessary Documents
to Prepare

提出資料が外国語で作成されている場合には,訳文(日本語)を添付して 下さい。  

Please submit Japanese translation for documents written in foreign languages.






 Application for Change Status of Residence 



 Please use one sided printing style.


  Passport and residence card (or alien registration certificate deemed equivalent to a residence card)



Documents proving the family member' s relationship to the supporter, each one will do


(1)戸籍謄本       Family Register



Registration of a marriage acceptance certificate


(3)結婚証明書(コピー)    Marriage Certificate(copy)


(4)出生証明書など(コピー)  Birth Certificate(copy)



Documents apply to above-mentioned (1)~(4)




Documents certifying the profession and the income of the person who is to support the person concerned.

(1)扶養者が収入を伴う事業を運営する場合または報酬を受ける活動を 行っている場合                               

If applicant's guardian/supporter is administrator with income, or being engaged in activities for pay

Certificate of Employment or certificate of tax payment

ⅱ.住民税の課税(又は非課税)証明書及び納税証明書(一年間の総所得及び納税状況が記載されたもの)                                           Certificates for a residence tax (or nontaxable) and tax payment (mentioned to yearly income and tax paid condition)             



If applicant's guardian/supporter are doing other activities except for above-mentioned (1)

ⅰ.扶養者名義の預金残高証明書又は給付金額及び給付期間を明示した奨学金給付に関する証明                                                          Certificate for applicant's guardian/supporter deposit balance or proof of scholarship with amount and duration clearly stated  



Proof of defraying applicant's living expense

 (apply to above-mentionedⅰ)



手数料納付書(郵便局で4,000円の収入印紙を買ってく ださい。)
 Certificate for Payment of Fee (Please buy a 4,000 yen
revenue stamp at the post office)




 If the proxy submit the application



Documents identifying the person 

(Certificate for agent, Family Resister etc.)


Passport endorsement


 When a change status of residence has been granted, the new status of residence and the new period of stay will be determined and a stamp will be affixed on the passport of the applicant.  It will take about 1 month for the application to be granted.



申請選択へ Go to Top

Re-entry Permit

Necessary Documents
to Prepare

提出資料が外国語で作成されている場合には,訳文(日本語)を添付して 下さい。  

Please submit Japanese translation for documents written in foreign languages.



 Application for Re-entry Permit   


  Passport and residence card (or alien registration certificate deemed equivalent to a residence card)


 Certificate for Payment of Fee (Please buy a revenue stamp for the following amount of money at the post office.)


 Single Permit (valid for one re-entry into Japan only)・・・3,000 yen

 Multiple Permit (valid for unlimited re-entries if it is in the expiration.)

 ・・・ 6,000 yen

Period of Validity


 The period of validity of a re-entry permit is limited to the period up to expiration of the period of stay, and the maximum is 3 year.


Passport endorsement


 When re-entry permission has been granted, the stamp will be affixed on the passport of the applicant.



申請選択へ Go to Top

Permission to Engage in an Activity other than that Permitted 
by the  Status of Residence Previously Granted

Necessary Documents
to Prepare

提出資料が外国語で作成されている場合には,訳文(日本語)を添付して 下さい。  

Please submit Japanese translation for documents written in foreign languages.

   Application for Permission to Engage in an Activity other than that Permitted by the Status of Residence Previously Granted


 Documents indicating in concrete terms the nature of the activity to be engaged in (e.g., a copy of employment contract)

Passport and residence card (or alien registration certificate deemed equivalent to a residence card)

Issuance of permit


 When the application has been granted, a "Permit to Engage to Activity other than that Permitted by the Status of Residence Previously Granted" will be issued to the applicant.



申請選択へ Go to Top

Permission to Acquire Status of Residence

出生の場合等(For birth of a child in Japan, etc)

Necessary Documents
to Prepare


Please submit Japanese translation for documents written in foreign languages. 

   Application for Permission to Acquire Status of Residence



If the applicant gives up Japanese citizenship: A document that proves the applicant's citizenship 


If the applicant is born: Birth certification of child



If the applicant does not fall above-mentioned, but needs to acquire a status of residence : A document that proves necessary facts 


③パスポート(あれば)                                                                       Passport (If applicants have)                   

Passport endorsement



 When acquisition of status of residence has been granted for a child born in Japan, The status of residence and period of stay will be determined and a stamp will be on the passport of child applicant. In case the child applicant dose not possess a passport, a Certificate of Status of Residence with the stamp affixed will be issued to him/ her.



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