Participant recruitment (Community Exchange Event)
Seeking participants for extracurricular event to interact with the local community!
Extracurricular event will be held as follows.
Please check the Event Summary below.
If you wish to participate, please apply from below.
*Priority will be given to students who have never participated in this community exchange event.
●Application deadline : Tuseday, September 5
●Authentication Code : EX-class-100123
☆Even if you are unable to participate this time, we will continue to offer extracurricular event in the future, so please join us again.
Call for participants in the community exchange event "Ugui Tsuki"
10月1日(日)8:30~14:30 (大学事務局前からバスで移動(約20分))
●Event Date:Sunday, October 1, 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.
(Bus ride from in front of the University Administration Office
(approx. 20 min.)) ※Time may vary.
In the pond created by the lord of Shikano Castle during the Warring States period for agricultural water, participants will experience the fishing method adopted from Thailand at that time.(Ugui tsuki). In this event, participants will experience the intermediate process of removing mud from the pond for agricultural water, drying it clean, and putting it to use again. The purpose of this event is to deepen understanding of Japanese culture and contribute to the revitalization of the local community by interacting with local residents while learning about their daily lives through the experience of traditional fishing methods.
●Tottori University Booth Exhibit:
Tottori University will have an culture-exchange booth. Interact with locals by displaying photos of your countries, introducing your countries, and giving quizzes. Please interact with other people actively.
●(当日まで) :出身国に関するクイズ(YESかNOでこたることができるもの)1問、
●Preparations (on the day):
Clothes you don't mind getting dirty (it will be muddy!) and a change of clothes, bring about 1000 yen in cash if you wish to eat or drink at the stalls.
●(up to the day of the event):
Please make one quiz question about your country of origin. (Answer with a "yes" or "no" answer.), Submit photo data (1-3 photos) (include 1 photo related to the quiz)