
International strategy in Tottori Uni.

Procedures before Leaving Tottori (preparation for completion / graduation)

International students must go through numerous paper works before leaving Japan. Please refer to the "International Student Handbook" or the ones listed below.

If you have any questions, please ask the International Affairs Division.



Change the status of residence

Please be sure to check the Regarding your status of residence "Student".


City hall etc. procedure (about two weeks before your scheduled date of return to your country)

  1. Notification of Moving Out
    Please visit the citizen’s section of the city office with your residence card and passport and submit the Moving-out Notification (tenshutsu todake). ※Procedures are necessary to change the address even in Japan.

  2. Withdrawal from National Health Insurance and National Pension
    You must go through withdrawal formalities at the city office, or ask an assigned representative to do so on your behalf.

    ※After the procedure (1) is completed, you will be informed to the section in charge of the procedure above.
  3. Bank account cancellation procedure
    When you move out of Japan, such as when returning to your home country, please complete the bank account cancellation procedure.


Housing procedures

【International House】

  Please inform the house manager one month before your scheduled date of leaving.

【Public and Private Apartments】

  1. Termination of residence contract
    Please get in touch with the following contacts no later than one to two months before the date when you move out of your room. Delayed notification may cause you to pay extra rents.

    ・ Prefectural housing (Residential Community Development Division: 0857-26-7397)
    ・ Municipal housing (Construction and Housing Division: 0857-22-8111)
    ・ Private apartment: Your real estate company or landlord

    ※ If you have subscribed to internet, electricity, or gas provider, please make sure to cancel your service before you leave. Please make sure that the final payment has been made.

  2. Termination of housing guarantee (only if you have payed for a house insurance)
    You have to do the cancellation at the International Affairs Division.


Procedures at the University

-Residential status after graduation/completion/leaving school, career investigation": Please make sure to enter this information by the date of graduation/completion/leaving school.

URL: https://www.ciatu.tottori-u.ac.jp/online-application/status-of-residence2


-Books you have borrowed from the library
You must make sure to return all the books you borrowed from the library.