卒業・修了・帰国予定確認/Confirmation of your plan after Graduation, Completion or Withdrawal

応募期間 / Period of application : 期限なし

  1. * 認証コード :

    鳥取大学の学生番号 を入力してください。 / Please enter the Tottori university's student number.

  1. *


  2. *


    When is the Date of expiration of your "College Student" Visa?

  3. *

    Please select the following for your plans.

  1. 出国・帰国を選択:予定日を記入して下さい / Those only who selected "leave Japan" : Date of Leaving Japan.

  2. 帰国後の予定 / Plans after returning to home country

  3. 就職先名、進学先名等を、その他の場合は詳細を記入して下さい。 Please fill in the name of working place, the name of university to attend, or other details.

  1. 継続して日本へ滞在を選択:今後の予定 / Those only who selected "continue to stay in Japan" select your further plans.

  2. 就職先名、進学先名等を、その他の場合は詳細を記入して下さい。 Please fill in the name of working place, the name of university to attend, or other details.

  3. 在留資格を変更する場合、新しい資格を記入して下さい。
    New resident status(If you selected "Change my status of residence".)

  1. *

    卒業・終了後の住所 / New address after graduation/completion

    住所を変更しない人は現住所を記入してください/Those who will not change the address, please fill in current address.

  2. *

    Phone Number

    - -
  3. *

    卒業・修了後もこのメールアドレス(最初に入力したアドレス)に連絡を取ることはできますか?/ Is it possible to contact you with this email address (the address you entered first) even after graduation/completion?

  4. いいえを選んだ人は連絡可能なアドレスを記入してください / Those only who selected "No", please fill in the address we can contact you.

  1. 帰国(転居)予定日の2週間前を過ぎたら、市役所で手続きを行わなければなりません。市役所の手続きを行いましたか?
    You need to take some procedures at city hall, about two weeks before your scheduled date of return to your country or move. Have you taken these procedures?

  2. *

    Did you submit "Notification of the Accepting Organization" on Immigration Bureau's website?

    You do not need to submit it if you will continue to be enrolled in Tottori University as a student.

  1. *

    Do you agree if we provide the information above for the following purposes?
    (Activities of student organization of MEXT or Tottori University such as international students associations, alumni association, etc.)