
International strategy in Tottori Uni.

Student Exchange

At Tottori University, students have an opportunity to study as exchange students at our over 82 affiliated institutions overseas. Among these institutions are 54 Universities in 20 countries (as of 1st April 2018). Students interested in studying abroad can make general inquiries at the Center for International Affairs, after filling in the ‘Study abroad consultation application form’.


Students enrolled in Tottori University and meet the following criteria:

・Should be enrolled in academic courses leading to award of bachelor, master's or doctoral degrees.

・Should have excellent academic credentials and good personality.                                      

・Should have clear objectives and plans for studying abroad and are expected to benefit from studying at the designated destination university.     

・Should be willing to return to Tottori University and continue with their studies after completing their overseas programs.                                                      

・Should have qualifications (or equivalent requirements) needed to join the designated destination university.

Universities/institutions where students can study abroad:

Refer to List of academically affiliated institutions International Agreements on Academic Exchange 

※The shaded areas are schools with which MOUs (Memorandums Of Understanding) on student exchange exist.


Period for study abroad

One to two semesters


Exchange students are exempted from paying tuition, entrance and examination fees at our overseas partner institutions. Students are however, expected to meet all other living expenses on their own. Additionally, all routine fees to Tottori University such as tuition should continue to be paid as scheduled.

Enrollment status when studying abroad

Students participating in overseas study programs assume the status of "studying abroad" and their period of stay is considered as part of their overall curriculum study period at Tottori University.

Handling of course credits

Based on regulations and standards set by respective faculties/departments, course credits will be awarded and transferred for subject items attended at the partner University, but the total should not exceed 60 credits. For details, please consult the education affairs representative at the relevant faculty.


The following types of scholarships are available for studying abroad;

・Tottori University Mirai Foundation

  75,000 yen per semester (over 3 months) per person
 (payable only once and cannot be received beside other scholarships.)        

※This amount changes from year to year. 

 Capacity: 5 to 10 people


・Japan Student Services Organization(JASSO)Secondary Loan Scholarship (short-term study abroad)

Monthly amount (30,000 yen, 50,000 yen, 80,000 yen, 100,000 yen), Initial amount 300,000 yen.                         

For details, see the Japan Student Services Organization home page http://www.jasso.go.jp/saiyou/tanki_ryuugaku.html

Outline of overseas study programs managed by the Center for International Affairs

The Center for International Affairs holds explanatory meetings on overseas study programs twice a year (in April and October).  Detailed procedures for studying abroad are outlined in the table below; for further information, please contact our staff at the Center for International Affairs or at the International Affairs Division shown on the "Study abroad consultation application form".

Country    region

Affiliated schools

Number of vacancies



Application documents


Chungnam National University




Statement of purpose

・Language proficiency certificate

・Results certificate

Submit to                   International Affairs Division             Student Exchange representative


Pukyong National University


six months or a year


Kangwon National University


six months or a year


Gangneung-Wonju National University


six months or a year


Namseoul University





Inner Mongolia  University


three months to one year


Beijing Forestry University


six months or a year


Hebei University


six months or a year



Ming Chuan University


six months or a year

End of May


Autonomous University of Baja California Sur


six months or a year

October and April


(Start of fall period study)

Deadline for applications: End of May

Screening, selection of students: June

Recommendation of selected candidates to the affiliated institutions, carrying out admission procedures, confirmation of the study trip, procurement of airplane ticket: Beginning of July               

Pre-departure training: End of August     

Overseas study program: September-October


(Start of spring period study)

Deadline for applications: End of November

Screening, selection of students: December

Recommendation of selected candidates to the affiliated institutions, carrying out admission procedures, confirmation of study trip, procurement of  airplane ticket: Beginning of January

Pre-departure training: End of February          

Overseas study program: March


List of the Staff at the Center for International Affairs for consultations regarding studying abroad

For further information on studying abroad, please contact the following educational staff representative after filling out the "Study abroad consultation application form".


Ms. Reika Sakihara, Associate Professor [China] (TEL 0857-31-5653)

E-mail    sakihara@ciatu.tottori-u.ac.jp

Located at (the University Education Bldg. 3F  S3140)


Ms. Kurie Otachi, Junior Associate Professor [Taiwan]  (TEL 0857-31-5748)

E-mail    otachik@ciatu.tottori-u.ac.jp

Located at (the University Education Bldg. 1F N1120)


Mr. Hiroshi Takeda, Associate Professor [Korea and other countries and regions] 

(TEL 0857-31-5842)                       

E-mail    takeda@ciatu.tottori-u.ac.jp