For the amount of tuition fees at Tottori University, please refer to "Tuition Fees (Tottori University HP)".
How to pay tuition fees
To reduce the risk of loss and theft, and for the greater convenience of students and their guardians, Tottori University accepts payment of tuition fees only by bank account transfer (hereafter "bank transfer" [koza-furikae]).
For effective payment, a bank account must be set up in the name of the student or their guarantor (e.g., guardian) at a financial institution designated by Tottori University. Then, upon the request of the student or guarantor, a sum of money equal to the amount of tuition fees due is transferred by direct debit from the account and paid by the designated financial institution to the university.
Anyone who has not carried out the bank transfer procedures by the time of admission must promptly open an account at the financial institution designated by Tottori University and follow the prescribed procedures. Note that research students and part-time students, etc., do not need to make bank transfers. They will be issued an invoice, and should then pay according to "(6) Payment methods other than bank transfers." Note also that the payment deadlines may vary, so please check with the appropriate authority in your faculty.
Bank transfer procedures
■ Financial institutions designated by Tottori University
■ Setting up an account
- Go in person to the counter of a branch of the designated bank and set up an account.
- The account can be in the name of the student or that of a guarantor (e.g., guardian).
- If you are setting up a new account, it will be necessary to have suitable personal identification documents (such as a health insurance card) and a personal seal, so be sure to have these ready.
- If you already have a bank account with one of the designated financial institutions, this account can be used for tuition fee payments.
■ Submitting a bank transfer request
- Those making bank transfers with SAN-IN GODO BANK or TOTTORI BANK can submit a
"Bank Transfer Request for Tuition Fee Payment" form to a counter of a bank branch, or else to the Academic Affairs Section of the relevant faculty or the Accounts Payable Division of the Accounting Department.
- Those making bank transfers with Japan Post Bank (Post Office) can submit an "Automatic Remittance Application" at a counter of a Japan Post Bank (Post Office) branch, or to the Academic Affairs Section of the relevant faculty or the Accounts Payable Division of the Accounting Department.
- Submission deadline: If submitted by March 25, 2009 (Wed.) payments will be transferred from the first semester of 2009. Even if submission is made after the deadline, payments can be received anytime, but please check when transfers will start with the appropriate authority.
- Forms will be distributed to students by the Academic Affairs Section of each faculty or the Accounts Payable Division of the Accounting Department.
* Forms should also be available at the counters of the designated banks, but it is possible that some branches may not have them.
- In the event that the name of the account holder is changed, or if the account for fee payments is changed, please inform the Academic Affairs Section of your faculty or the Accounts Payable Division of the Accounting Department.
Payment deadlines and bank transfer days
Semester 1: May 31
Semester 2: November 30
- Payment deadlines were changed starting in 2009
- If the payment deadline falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or public holiday, the effective deadline will be the preceding business day.
- To allow necessary time for payment, processing bank transfers are affected on May 25 for Semester 1 and November 25 for Semester 2. Please ensure that there are sufficient funds to cover tuition fees in your account at least one day prior to these dates.
- If the date of bank transfer falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or public holiday, the payment deadline will be the following business day.
- If the bank transfer payment cannot be made due to a shortage of funds in the bank account or for some other reason, the transfer will be attempted again on the 25th of the following month. (Note, however, that bank transfers are not affected in March.)
Issue of receipts
- Since the amount debited for tuition fees will be recorded in your account passbook, you can use it to check for payment confirmation.
- If you need an official receipt, request one from the Accounting Department (Tottori: 0857-31-5029, Yonago: 0859-38-7065).
- If you need certification of the tuition fee amount, please apply to the Accounts Payable Division of the Accounting Department.
Other payment methods (apart from bank transfer)
If for some reason, it is not possible to make payment by bank transfer, payment can be made in one of the following ways.
- Taking cash in person to the university's tuition fee payment counter.
- Mailing cash by registered post (genkin-kakitome) to the university's tuition fee payment counter.
- Electronic remittance from a bank counter (ginko-furikomi) using a separately provided invoice
- Remittance from a bank ATM using a separately provided invoice
* Note that if someone who has completed the bank transfer procedures wishes to make payment by means of a bank remittance, they should be sure to notify the Accounts Payable Division of the Accounting Department in advance, to avoid the risk of double payment. (Refer to (11).)
Demands for payment
- In the event of non-payment of tuition fees, payment will be demanded from the student or guarantor (e.g., guardian).
- Note carefully that if tuition fees remain unpaid even after repeated demands for payment, the student's enrollment may be canceled.
To persons applying (or expecting to apply) for tuition fee exemption
- Even if you are applying (or expect to apply) for an exemption from paying tuition fees, please perform the bank transfer procedures.
- Until tuition fee exemption is determined, tuition fee payments will not be withdrawn by bank transfers from the bank account.
- If exemption is not granted, or if only a 50% exemption is granted, the due tuition fee payments will generally be debited in the same month as the decision. (Persons who are not making payment by bank transfer will be sent an invoice for fees due.)
To students who apply to take leave or withdraw from study programs
If, for some unavoidable reason, you need to apply to take leave or withdraw from studies, please report this immediately to the Academic Affairs Section of your faculty so that the processing of tuition fee payments can be suitably adjusted.
Refunding of tuition fees
As a rule, tuition fee payments cannot be refunded once have been made. However, refunds can be made in the case of the following situations, so please apply to your Academic Affairs Section if you think you qualify for a refund. (These are just "in principle" examples. If you think you merit a refund, please consult the appropriate administrative authority.)
- If payment of Semester 2 tuition fees was included with payment of Semester 1 fees, but you then received approval to take leave or withdraw from your studies before September 30, the amount of Semester 2 tuition fees will be refunded to you after submitting an appropriate application.
- If, after paying Semester 1 tuition fees, you receive approval to take leave (from May 1 to Sept. 30) before April 30, you will be refunded five months worth of tuition fees after submitting an appropriate application.
- If, after paying Semester 1 tuition fees, you receive approval during May to take leave (from June 1 to Sept. 30), you will be refunded four months worth of tuition fees after submitting an appropriate application.
Payment of tuition fees
- Accounts Payable Division, Accounting Department
〒680-8550 4-101 Koyama-cho Minami, Tottori-shi (Tel.) 0857-31-5029
- General Affairs Section, Accounts and Procurement Office, Faculty of Medicine
〒683-8503 36-1 Nishi-machi, Yonago-shi (Tel.) 0859-38-7065
Applications for tuition fee exemptions and scholarships
- Scholarship Section, Livelihood Support Office, Student Department
〒680-8550 4-101 Koyama-cho Minami, Tottori-shi (Tel.) 0857-31-5059
Academic affairs (e.g., taking leave, withdrawing)
- Academic Affairs Section, United Graduate School of Agricultural Science
〒680-8553 4-101 Koyama-cho Minami, Tottori-shi (Tel.) 0857-31-5446
- Academic Affairs Section, Faculty of Agriculture
〒680-8553 4-101 Koyama-cho Minami, Tottori-shi (Tel.) 0857-31-5346
- Academic Affairs Section, Faculty of Engineering
〒680-8552 4-101 Koyama-cho Minami, Tottori-shi (Tel.) 0857-31-5186
- General Affairs Section, Academic and Research Affairs Office, Faculty of Medicine
〒683-8503 36-1 Nishi-machi, Yonago-shi (Tel.) 0859-38-7096
- Academic Affairs Section, Faculty of Regional Sciences
〒680-8551 4-101 Koyama-cho Minami, Tottori-shi (Tel.) 0857-31-5077