
International strategy in Tottori Uni.

Displaying all 5 News
  1. 2021.11.15
    for international students

    Would you like to walk around Tottori City and get in touch with the history ?

  2. 2021.11.18
    for international students

    【G-frenz】 Let's take a walk in Koyama campus (1pm on 30th November)

    【G-frenz】 Let's take a walk in Koyama campus (1pm on 30th November)

  3. 2021.11.19

    Global Skills seminar DEI (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion)

    Global Skills seminar DEI (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion)
    https://www.ciatu.tottori-u.ac.jp/ja/news/2139the Third DEI seminar – learning through the comparing “Prejudice, language and culture” in Japan and United States
    Date ; 30th of November, (Tue) 10:00-11:30am
    Site : B21 room in common building, Koyama Campus
    Register: https://www.ciatu.tottori-u.ac.jp/online-application/GlobalcareerseminarDEI3rd

  4. 2021.11.25
    for international students

    Sato Yo International Scholarship Foundation Recruitment for April 2022 applicants

    Entry deadline of the applictaion form on foundation website : December 19, 2021
    Submit deadline of the documents for IAD:Wednesday, December 22, 2021


  5. 2021.11.26
    for international students

    【For MEXT Students】Confirmation of Attendance for December 2021

    From December 1(Wed.) to December 6(Mon.) 

Displaying all 5 News