For privately-financed students, Tottori University will start providing and accepting the ”Scholarship Application Form" for the second semester of the 2022 academic year.
Tottori University will decide on Scholarship Application Forms submitted by privately-financed students using a recommendation ranking-based system. Then, when scholarship foundations ask Tottori University to recommend certain international students as potential scholarship recipients during the second semester of the 2022 academic year, the University will recommend students from the upper part of the ranking list to those scholarship foundations after confirming students’ need for financial support. (Note: Submitting this Scholarship Application Form to Tottori University does NOT guarantee you will be able to receive a scholarship. Likewise, you will be unable to receive any scholarships if you do not submit this form.)
For Privately-financed students who would like to apply for scholarships, we ask to you please submit the Scholarship Application Form during the application period. Please come to the International Affairs Division (IAD) to receive your Scholarship Application Form. Or download the form fromthe link below.
※Regarding "学習奨励費 Gakushushoreihi" provided by JASSO, Tottori University will recommend the selected international students who belong to the Tottori University and Tottori University United Graduate School of Agriculture Sciences in Shimane as its recipients.
※Exchange Students (Special auditing students and Special research students) will not be able to apply for scholarships.
Deadline: 5 pm, Monday, September 26, 2022
If you are not able to receive the recommendation letter from your supervisor by the stated deadline, please consult the IAD staff in advance and submit your Scholarship Application Form by the application period deadline.
We will not accept any Application documents submitted after the stated deadline.
*Note: New students starting their academic year from October should further consult the IAD staff about their Scholarship Application Form process. (
**Note:Depending on the scholarship organization we recommend, you may need to submit an up-to-date certificate of health check. Be sure to take a health check for international students in spring or fall. It may be not be possible to recommend even at the upper part of the ranking.
Documents to be submitted:
(1)Scholarship Application Form for the second semester of the 2022 academic year
(2)Recommendation letter from your supervisor
(3)The copy of Japanese or English language proficiency certificate
If your spouse receives any income, please submit his/her latest certificate of income issued by the city office or his/her certificate of income and withholding tax, 源泉徴収票, for the previous year issued by his/her employer.
Please feel free to ask the IAD staff if you have any questions about those certificates.
Submitting this Scholarship Application Form to Tottori University does NOT guarantee you will be able to receive a scholarship.
We will make the ranking list based on the following points,
1. Academic performance
2. Seniority in school
3. Past scholarship allowance since you enrolled in Tottori University
4. Participation in international exchange activities such as an exchange meeting with local elementary school students and volunteer activities so on etc.
List of scholarship for privately-financed students;