Due to the recent impact of coronavirus infection, there will be a student support emergency benefit program which will provide an emergency support for students who are unable to continue their lives and studies due to a decrease in their part-time job income and etc.
Those who wish to apply this grant, please read the Application Guide carefully and confirm the requirements.
【Eligibility requirement】
Students including graduate students
【Amount of the grant】
There are limited number of nomination that the government allocates to each university. Students who wish to apply will be screened by the university, and the JASSO will provide grant within the number of nominations.
※ Application does not always promise you to receive the grant due to the limited number of nominations.
【How to apply】
Please read the Application Guide carefully and check the eligibility requirement (see page 4). If you are eligible, please email the form 1 and form 2 to the International Affairs Division by 12:00 pm on Wednesday, January 12, 2022.
※ Please send the hard copy of the forms by either mail or bring them to the International Affairs Division.
≪Mailing address≫
4-101 Koyama Minami, Tottori-shi, postal code 680-8550, International Affairs Division, Tottori University
【Necessary documents to submit】
(Form1) (Application for the Student Emergency Aid for Continuance of Studies) PDF Word
(Form2) (Oath Concerning Requirements to Receive the Student Emergency Aid for continuance of Studies) PDF Word
【Application Deadline】
12:00 pm on Wednesday, January 12, 2022
【For inquiries】
Please send an email to the International Affairs Division: kokuko-gaku@ml.adm.tottori-u.ac.jp