Due to the tightened quarantine for the COVID-19, entry to Japan has been restricted, however, the foreign nationals with the status of residence are allowed to re-entry to Japan.
【International Students who are currently in Japan】
If you are currently staying in Tottori and will depart from Japan after September 1st and will come back to Japan later, please refer to the website of immigration Services Agency of Japan.
If you are planning to leave Japan, please inform your faculty and IAD beforehand.
【International Students who are in currently in home country】
To re-enter to Japan, please note that there are certain necessary condition. Please confirm the website for the necessary documents.
1. To get Negative COVID-19 test result conducted within 72hours of the departure time.
2. To obtain the "Re-entry Confirmation Letter" at the Japanese embassy.
3. To have COVID-19 test at the airport you arrive.
4. To wait 14 days after arrival at a hotel and to refrain from using public transportation for the time being.
(※1 and 2 will be implemented only for those coming from countries denied permission to enter Japan.)
Please note that all nationals arriving from all regions have to wait 14 days at a hotel and refrain from using public transportation for the time being.
For the detailed information about the necessary documents, please refer the following website;