
International strategy in Tottori Uni.

Notification of Overseas Travel

公開日: 2020-03-09

All students who plan to travel abroad are required to submit the "Notification of Overseas Travel" form in advance of departure from Japan. This is necessary for safety confirmation in cases of emergency, such as natural disaster or terrorism while you are abroad. It is also necessary to submit this form before making any kind of international travel including privately arranged travel. If you plan to travel abroad, please follow the steps written in URL below and fill out the "Notification Overseas Travel" form online. Then, submit the paper copy of the completed form to the Academic Affairs Section (kyoumu kakari) of your faculty or graduate school.

 As the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan has raised the warning level for travel to China due to the Novel Coronavirus, we recommend to avoid traveling to China unless it is urgent or necessary. Tottori University has issued the following instructions (see URL below) to prevent the spread of the Novel Coronavirus. We appreciate your cooperation. 

Notification of Overseas Travel

 URL: https://www.ciatu.tottori-u.ac.jp/en/safety-info-travel-notification

Alert on the Novel Coronavirus
