We receive to inform you that the job hunting event for July has been confirmed.
This event is a combination of an introductions and job hunting consultations.
All of the companies scheduled to be briefed are actively recruiting international students.
At the employment counseling following the information session, you will be provided with advice on resume preparation, interview points, and other necessary job-hunting activities.
Participate in the event, a complete reservation is required and advance reservation is required.
Participation is free, but transportation expenses to the venue will be borne by the student.
Click here for apply(This reservation form is only available in Japanese.)
The detail contents for the event is click here.
Date and time:July 29, 2022 (Friday)
●three-part system●
1)11:00-12:00 Nakabayashi Co., Ltd. (sales, web design)
2)13:00-14:00 VEGECOOP Co.,Ltd. (hotel, mobile sales, agriculture, food and drink)
3)15:00-16:00 Nippon information Co., Ltd. (IT)
Location:Kyoto Keizai Center (78, Higashiiri Kankobokocho、Shijo-dori-machi, Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto)
※You can also participate online.
Participants:International students (Universities / vocational schools) scheduled to graduate in March 2023
Others (foreign job seekers, job seekers, specific activity visas)