
International strategy in Tottori Uni.

A certificate award ceremony of the 2015 Fall Semester Gogakukyoka course was held.

公開日: 2016-01-29

Successful participants of the 2015 Fall Semester Gogakukyoka course received completion certificates from Vice Director of Center for International Affairs, Mr. Hiroshi Takeda, who awarded the certificates on behalf of Prof. Yamamoto, Director of the Center for International Affairs, on Wednesday, 27 January 2016.

The Gogakukyoka course is a language skill development course offered every semester at the Center for International Affairs with the objective of improving students’ practical language skills before and after studying abroad. This semester, three English classes: advanced level, intermediate level and beginner level, and two Chinese classes: intermediate level and beginner level, were offered twice a week from 19th October 2015 to 29th January 2016. Most of the classes were taught by native language lecturers and students were evaluated based on their attendance, class activity and performance on mid-term and final exams. 27 students who got passing marks were awarded certificates.

In his speech after awarding the certificates, Mr. Takeda appreciated the remarkable efforts the students have put into improving their language skills and asked them to set their goals higher and continue their utmost efforts to achieve them. 

Lecturers of the English classes have also attended the ceremony and made congratulatory addresses to their students.

Majority of the students who received completion certificates are taking part in one the Global Gateway programs of the university this spring.


the certificate award ceremony