
International strategy in Tottori Uni.

The Kubota Fund Recruitment for the Application for Grants 2024

for international students
公開日: 2023-12-26

To Privately-financed international Students

Kubota Yutaka Fund Recruitment for the Academic Year of 2024.
The application process has changed this year.
Please confirm the application guidelines on the foundation website and access the website for grant applications to proceed.

The Foundation Website:公益信託久保田豊基金|The Kubota Fund (kubota-fund.org)(Both Japanese and English)
Website for grant application:The Kubota Fund 公益信託久保田豊基金 (i-webs.jp) (Both Japanese and English)

【Qualified Applicants】
 a) You must be a national of developing country, or born & raised in a developing region, whose annual GDP per capita is less than US $ 7,000.
(Based upon the newest date provided by IMF, "World Economic Outlook Database".)

b) You must be pursuing academic degree(s)/conducting research project(s) on a specific engineering development theme (preferably civil, electrical, agricultural engineering, environment, energy or development econoimcs).

c) You should be recommended by a permanent/professional staff, who holds capability/position to evaluate ability, achievements and potentiality of the applicant adequately, of the organization to which the applicant belong, such as his/her academic or managerial supervisor(s).

Scholarship period:1 year    *If you meet the requirements, you can extend it by one year
Monthly allowance:From 80,000 yen to 100,000 yen per month
(The monthly allowance will be determined by the Managing Committee.)

【Scholarship Recipients】
12 students in principle

【Recruit Period】
January 17, 2024 (The registration will close at midnight on January 17.)

※If you will apply for this scholarship, you must consult with your supervisor and please submit the required documents to the foundation by yourself.
Also, please inform the International Affairs Division after you become the scholarship recipient.