
International strategy in Tottori Uni.

Schedule of Immigration Service in February

for international students
公開日: 2021-02-01

Each month,staff members of the Center for International Affairs and International Affairs Division make applications on behalf of (as agents for) international students/researchers.

  However, in February, there will be no application period and applications will be accepted at any time if necessary.

Please contact us if you have any questions.



   Application Period

Application Time

The planned date to go to the Immigration Office

The date when your passport and resident card are expected to be returned to you








 (The followings are reference)

About Immigration Service for Foreign Researchers and International Students 

1. Qualified Applicants

① Foreign Researchers (who are officially admitted as Tottori University's foreign researchers)

② International Students

③ Spouses or children of Foreign Researchers or International Students. (In this case, application for "certificate of eligibility" can only be accepted only when they are going to enter Japan with foreign researchers or International students at the same time.)  


2. IAD and the Center for International Affairs (CIA) will accept the following applications

① Certificate of Eligibility

② Extension of Period of Stay
 (If the applicant is authorized to stay in Japan for six months or longer, the immigration office will start accepting his/her application forms three months before his/her stay period expires)

③ Permission to Engage in Activity Other than that Permitted under the Status of Residence Previously Granted (Part-time work permit)

④ Re-entry Permit

3. Application Period, etc.

Your application forms will be accepted during the "two-day application period" that will be set around a week before the date we will go to Immigration office. If your documents are incomplete, the due date will be set for you to resubmit the complete documents.

 Staff at IAD or faculty members at the Center for International Affairs will go to the Sakaiminato immigration office.

 The total number of applications to bring to the immigration office is limited up to 30. 

 The application period will be posted via our website.