Why don't you participate in the party for international students?

公開日: 2013-11-01

Have you ever met and talked with the president of Tottori University?

The president will hold a party for international students. Please enjoy your time with the president, Dr. Teshima, and your supervisor there!

DATE & TIME  Tuesday, November 26th, 5:30pm to 7:30pm
PLACE Daigakukaikan 1st floor, Dai 2 Shokudo (2nd cafeteria)
APPLICATION PLACE Tottori campus - International Affairs Division
Yonago campus - Gakusei Kakari
APPLICATION DEADLINE Monday, November 18th, 2013

*We will inform the participants from Yonago campus of the means of transportation later.
*We will accept the applications from international students in Tottori campus by email too.