【IMPORTANT】 To Privately-financed Students:
2015 Tobe Maki Schalarship Foundation
【Contents of the Scholarship】
Amount: 600,000 yen for a year (If s/he is receiving any other scholarship which doesn’t need to be paid back, only 300,000 yen will be paid.)
Period: One year (April 2015 – March 2016)
【Qualified Applicants】
◎ Students who will be enrolled in the University as a 3rd-year or 4th-year undergraduate or as a graduate student
◎ Students whose age are under 30 as of April 1 2015
◎ Students whose major should be related to “Chemistry/Food science”, “Art”, “Physical education” or “Business administration”.
◎ Students who are highly motivated, academically talented, and well-behaved
◎ Students who can't afford to pay for their education themselves
【Number of Scholarship Recipients】
Number of Scholarship Recipients: 103 students in Japan
※Only students who has submitted the “Scholarship Application Form for the First Semester of School Year 2015” can apply.
※Please prepare all application documents, then submit them to the foundation directly before the deadline
The application form is in International Affairs Division. You can receive more information on this scholarship there.
Application deadline: Friday, May 8, 2015