The Kubota Fund Recruitment for the Application for Grants 2016.
If you would like to apply for this scholarship, please contact the International Affairs Division (Tel:0857-31-5056)
You can download the application forms and guidelines from the following homepage of Kubota Fund Recruitment.
You must submit the application forms for this scholarship to the IAD by Tuesday, December 22, 2015.
(Qualification Summary)
1. Qualified Applicants
① You must be nationals of developing countries in the Middle East.
② You preferably belong to a company or organization in Japan.
③ You must be studying a specific engineering development theme(preferably civil, electrical or agricultural engineering, or development economics).
④ You must have a recommender in the company or organization.
⑤ You are not permitted to receive another scholarship for the academic year in 2016.
2. Monthly Allowance
From Yen 80,000 to Yen 120,000 per month.
(The monthly Allowance will be determined by the Managing Committee.)
3. Scholarship period
April 2016 ~ March 2017 (1year)
4. Number of Scholarship Recipients
12 students in Japan
5. Notice of Selection
Notice of the result of the selection will be given to the applicants by the in mid-March 2016 via the company or organization where you belong.
6. Report on training or study
Trainees who are selected are required to submit a report concerning their training or study every six month,
during the period in which they are receiving the grant.
IMPORTANT!! If you apply for this scholarship, Tottori University will not be able to recommend you
for any other scholarships until you receive the result from the Kubota Foundation.