If you are planning to go abroad to do some sightseeing in the near future, please participate in Overseas Saftey Seminar on August 6th. The Seminar will be given in Japanese. You do not need to sign up for the Seminar beforehand.
※If you have already taken or currently have been taking "Overseas Safety Management" classes, one-day Overseas Safety Seminar on July 18th, 2015 or Introduction to Education at University, you do not need to attend the following Overseas Safety Seminar.
For the further information, please refer to the following link:
URL :http://www.tottori-u.ac.jp/secure/13251/H27kaigaiannzenn.pdf#ContentPane
●Half-day Overseas Safety Seminar
Date/Time: from 9:00am. to 12:15p.m. on Thursday, August 6th.
Venue: C51 in University Education Building (Tottori Campus)
Meeting Room #1 in School of Health Science (Yonago Campus)
Please download and print out handouts before coming to the Seminar.
※Handouts are written only in Japanese.