Please get medical check-ups!

公開日: 2015-03-20

This medical check-up is for a new student includes exchange student and research student, sophomore, junior, senior and graduate. 
Please get the medical check-up during the following schedule!
If you are a new student of Tottori University, you must get the medical check-up this April.

Place :  Health Science Center, Tottori University

Examination: body measurement, blood-pressure measurement, medical interview, chest X-ray test, urine test

Please fill in a medical checkup sheet in advance and bring it to the Health Science Center when you get the checkup.
You can get the sheet at the office of your faculty or the Health Science Center.


Date Time For
April 8 (Wed.) 12:00-16:00 Male
April 9 (Thu.) 12:00-16:00 Male
April 10 (Fri.) 12:00-16:00 Female
April 13 (Mon.) 12:00-16:00 Male
April 14 (Tue.) 12:00-16:00 Male
April 15 (Wed.) 12:00-16:00 Female
April 16(Thu.) 12:00-14:00 Male&Female


Please get the medical check-up when you don't have any classes.