To Privately Financed Students:
2015 Docomo Scholarship for International Students
If you would like to apply for this scholarship, please come to the International Affairs Division to pick up the application.
The deadline for submission of application is April 17, 2015.
IMPORTANT! If you apply for this scholarship, you will not be able to submit for other scholarship application forms until
you receive the result from this foundation around early July. (e.g. Gakushu-shoureihi Scholarship,
Tottori Prefectural International Exchange Foundation Scholarship, etc.)
*After you know the result that you are not able to receive this scholarship,
you will be able to apply for other scholarships through the University.
Qualified Applicants:
Scholarship: Monthly allowance is 120,000yen for 2 years (April, 2015 - March 2017)
The Number of Scholarship Recipients: 20 students in Japan
3 applicants from Tottori University
*You need to write down your application forms in Japanese.