The student life support division, 生活支援課(せいかつしえんか), will set up dump-site for bulk trash on March 19 for students who will graduate from Tottori University this March.
If you would like to throw away your bulk trash at the site, please apply at the student life support division located next to IAD from February 4 to February 27.
【Application deadline】 Wednesday, February 4 to Friday, February 27
【Application place】 Student life support division
【Collection time and date】 10am to 3pm, Thursday, March 19
【Place of dump-site】 First parking lot located next to main gate in Tottori campus
You can throw away TV, air conditioner, washing machine, refrigerator, stove burner, heater, fan heater, bicycle, bed, futon, carpet, kotatu, laundry pole, sofa, wooden closet, wooden bookshelf, wooden shelf, wooden desk, wooden chair, wooden table at the dump-site. We will not accept any other stuff except above 20 items.
You can also use a service of Tottori city (0857-22-0353) to throw away your bulk trash. Please apply for it in advance and buy a ticket of bulk trash at convenience store or you can buy it at Tottori University Co-op from the end of February.
(Please check the following website for your reference: a rule of throwing away your trash, Tottori University Website )